One of the most popular medical solutions to help fight back against aging due to a decrease in the natural production of hormones, men and women alike have been able to take advantage of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to fight back successfully against Father Time and lead the kind of happy and healthy lifestyles they …

Dr. Bruce J. Stratt
Dr. Bruce J. Stratt

Dr. Stratt is the Medical Director of LifeBoost where he offers hormone replacement therapy, platelet rich plasma therapy for aesthetics, hair restoration, sexual wellness and orthopedic pain management.


Looking for success with hormone replacement therapy?

One of the most popular medical solutions to help fight back against aging due to a decrease in the natural production of hormones, men and women alike have been able to take advantage of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to fight back successfully against Father Time and lead the kind of happy and healthy lifestyles they always expected and anticipated.

At the same time, there are definitely some that have better success with HRT compared to others – and it’s critical that you do everything in your power to really maximize the effectiveness of this treatment protocol to give yourself every opportunity of enjoying a long, healthy, and enjoyable lifestyle.

Here are the kinds of behaviors you’re really going to want to embrace to make the most of HRT!

Consistency is king

The most important thing you can do when it comes to HRT solutions is following the prescribed protocol to the letter, consistently utilizing this treatment solution on a regular basis, and embracing all of the lifestyle changes that your doctor recommends as well.

A lot of folks like to kind of go overboard when they start off with HRT, tapering off later down the line until they eventually doing nearly as much as they need to be to utilize HRT effectively. Abandon that kind of approach completely and instead embrace a steady and consistent utilization of HRT and you’ll see much better results.

Clean up your diet

You are what you eat, just like your mother likely told you when you were growing up.

The food and drink that we put into our bodies dramatically impacts EVERYTHING about our overall health and wellness. This is literally the fuel that either drives us or causes us to burn out, and when you’re talking about a decrease in the production of hormones in your body you need to really keep the rest of your biochemistry as level as possible – especially if HRT is going to have the kind of transformative impact that you are hoping for.

Move your body more frequently

Every single medical professional that recommends HRT is also going to recommend that you move your body each and every single day until you build up a bit of sweat, getting your heart rate up and also activating as much of your central nervous system as possible.

At the very least, you’re going to want to make sure that you exercise three times a week for at least 45 minutes each day – really pushing yourself to your physical limit – so that you can create a cascade of biochemical reactions throughout the body that will help support your HRT.

Closing thoughts

When you get right down to it, the main differentiators between those that are successful with HRT and those that kind of struggle with it is leading a happy, healthy, and impactful lifestyle by making smart choices as far as your diet, exercise, and sleep are concerned.

Clean up your diet, move your body more frequently, get plenty of sleep each night, and follow along with your HRT plan consistently and you’ll be good to go!

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