PRP / Vampire Procedures

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy, often referred to as the "vampire facial," involves drawing a small amount of your blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and then re-injecting it into the skin to promote healing and rejuvenation. This minimally invasive procedure aims to enhance skin texture, reduce wrinkles, and stimulate collagen production.

About PRP / Vampire Procedures

Vampire facial is a cutting-edge cosmetic treatment that harnesses the regenerative power of your own blood. The process begins with a blood draw, which is then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from other blood components. These concentrated platelets, rich in growth factors, are re-injected into targeted areas of the skin. The growth factors stimulate cell repair and collagen production, leading to improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, and a more youthful appearance.

This minimally invasive procedure is celebrated for its natural approach to skin rejuvenation, as it relies on the body’s own healing mechanisms. The results typically include smoother skin, diminished fine lines, and enhanced overall complexion. PRP therapy is also used in various other medical fields, including hair restoration and joint repair, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness in promoting healing and regeneration.

How it Works

It rejuvenates the skin by injecting concentrated platelets from your own blood, boosting collagen
production and cell repair. This minimally invasive treatment improves skin texture, reduces wrinkles,
and enhances overall complexion with natural results. It also has applications in hair restoration and joint

It is minimally invasive and typically involves minimal discomfort, with most patients experiencing only
a slight pinching or tingling sensation during the procedure. Local numbing cream is often applied to
ensure comfort. Recovery is generally quick, with minor redness or swelling subsiding within a few days.

The effects of PRP therapy can be noticeable for up to twelve months, with improvements in skin texture,
elasticity, and tone gradually developing over time. Collagen production continues to enhance the skin’s
appearance, leading to a more youthful look. For optimal results, maintenance sessions are often

It is considered safe and utilizes your own blood, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or infections. The procedure is typically performed by certified professionals adhering to strict hygiene and safety protocols. Clinical studies and extensive use support its safety and efficacy.

Candidates for PRP / Vampire Procedures

  • Aging Individuals
  • Acne Scar Sufferers
  • Those with Uneven Skin Tone
  • People with Hair Thinning
  • Individuals with Fine Lines
  • Sun-Damaged Skin Patients

Success Stories


I had PRP therapy for my aging skin, and I'm thrilled with the results. My wrinkles have visibly softened, and my skin feels much firmer. The procedure was quick and comfortable, with minimal downtime. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to rejuvenate their appearance.


After struggling with acne scars for years, I decided to try PRP therapy. The improvement has been remarkable; my skin texture has significantly smoothed out. I did experience some redness initially, but it cleared up quickly. It's been worth every penny for the boost in confidence.


I opted for PRP therapy to address my thinning hair, and I've seen noticeable growth and thickness since the treatment. The process was straightforward, and the discomfort was minimal. I'm pleased with the results so far and look forward to continuing the treatment for even better results.

have a question?

Quick answers to questions you may have

The procedure involves minimal discomfort, with most patients feeling only a slight pinching or tingling sensation.

Recovery is typically quick, with minor redness or swelling usually subsiding within a few days.

Results can persist for up to six months, with ongoing improvements in skin texture and appearance. Regular maintenance sessions may be recommended for optimal results.